In today’s web marketing world, it’s extremely important that you use all of the tools available to you to get your brand the exposure it needs to find success. A big part of that is using social media to reach out to new potential customers or clients.
If you have yet to jump aboard the social media marketing bandwagon, here’s a quick overview of the most important networks that should be a part of any social media campaign:
- Facebook. When you talk social media, the conversation always begins with Facebook, and for good reason — it’s by far the largest one out there, with billions of regular users. Facebook tends to be slightly easier to use for B2C marketing than B2B, but you still have plenty of options regardless of your focus. After you create a page for your business and begin gathering followers, Facebook offers some specific targeting options and analytics for your posts that you won’t find on any other social network. This makes it easy for you to determine what you’re doing right or wrong and to make tweaks to improve your methods. By promoting posts, you also have the ability to reach out to a much wider audience.
- Twitter. While you only have 140 characters or less to make statements on Twitter, it still offers you a chance to reach out to a large audience. Strategically using hashtags to interact with or get the attention of other users is a great way to build your following. It’s also easier to interact with other business on Twitter than it is on Facebook.
- LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the ultimate B2B social media tool. Not only is it a great platform for B2B interaction, but you also have the ability to position yourself as an expert in your field by publishing articles relating to your industry and interacting with others in professional groups.
- Google +. While Plus has sort of fallen by the wayside as a social network, it’s still important to create a Google account for your business because of the SEO benefits it provides. You can put a lot of information about your business, including your address and hours, on your Plus page and essentially create another landing page that will pop up in people’s searches.
Social media is constantly changing and growing. For more information about the benefits of using these social networks, as well as other networks that you might consider using in your marketing campaign, reach out to our team at IDMI.Net today.