Whenever you register for a domain, you provide a certain amount of personal information, which then becomes public record. For an extra fee, however, you can purchase domain privacy to prevent that information from becoming public.
Domain privacy essentially enables you to mask the information you used when registering for your domain. That information goes into a database called WHOIS, which allows people to look up information about the owner of a domain, such as first and last name, address, email and phone number.
Domain privacy is not required, and many large companies don’t bother with it. However, smaller businesses or people creating personal websites or blogs often enjoy the additional security that a domain privacy plan can offer.
How to get domain privacy
If domain privacy is something you’d like to add to your domain purchase, you have one of two options: purchase it at the time of your registration or add domain privacy to an existing domain at a later date.
Any domain provider can offer these services, so regardless of who you purchased your domain through, domain privacy will be an option for you.
Better safe than sorry
Ultimately, taking the extra steps to safeguard your privacy online can be well worth it. You do not have to worry about having your information farmed by companies that will add you to their marketing lists. You also do not have to worry about another avenue through which it’s possible you could have your identity stolen.
You should never use false information when registering a domain. Anyone is able to report false or suspicious registration information by filing a complaint with the Internet Association for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), after which you will be required to update your info to ensure its accuracy.
Rather than having to deal with all of that, it’s more sensible to just purchase domain privacy and ensure your information is permanently protected.
For more information about the various benefits associated with domain privacy plans, we encourage you to contact our team today at IDMI.Net.