Don’t think of your website as a consumable that needs to be swapped out at set intervals, think of it as a tool that needs to be sharpened frequently for ideal results.
Almost every business owner has heard that Google is one of the keys to success, but what, exactly, does that mean?
Since the days of Edison and Tesla (and probably well before their notorious rivalry), savvy business people have understood the value in watching their competitors to see what works for them.
Buy rates are down across all platforms, though non-digital channels like television, radio, and print have been hit especially hard. And the implications of that trend are potentially far-reaching.
Whether it’s intentional or not, artificial intelligence is especially skilled at crafting stories and artwork good for scares.
A recognizable mascot—one that becomes part of the cultural language of the target of the audience—is undoubtedly a boon for any business or organization. But the most successful mascots are the ones that outlive the eras in which they were created, and that sort of longevity means updates and design overhauls are inevitable.
Managing social media posts and when they go live can be streamlined with the use of a social media scheduler.
To make sure your newsletter reaches your target audience, follow these tips to engage your subscribers at the outset.
The way we organize information on a page has been evolving since humans first put utensil to surface. One of these best practices with the most staying pattern has been the F-pattern.
Companies are tracking every piece of data about consumers while making a hefty profit from selling the information.
One of the best things about the internet is that it’s always changing. One of the worst factors is that, as a business owner, you need to keep up with that ever-changing digital landscape.
Let’s explore the three core areas you need to consider to boost the accessibility of your janitorial website!
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